RedAlign was founded in 2014 on the insight that laser shaft alignment technology needed to take a giant leap forward.

For decades, the technology has seen only incremental improvements. It’s as true today as it was in the 1980’s: the processes are training- and time-intensive, as well as encumbered by a fundamental design flaw.

Legacy technology can’t do true hot alignment, and so always hits an accuracy “ceiling.” RedAlign makes the critical task of motor-pump alignment easier and more accurate.

First: true ease of use is transformational. RedAlign doesn’t require hours and hours of specialized training to use. Nor does it require scheduled downtime to measure alignment. With RedAlign, it’s feasible (and advisable) to do alignment checks more often than the current common practice of twice per year.

Second: accuracy is everything. RedAlign measures more accurately because it turns traditional laser alignment design on its head. With a radical shift in its approach to measurement, RedAlign promises the most accurate results possible.

Backed by a team with deep experience in hardware and software technology development, RedAlign is poised to become the new gold standard in laser shaft alignment.

Management Team

Tommy Woycik, President

Tommy brings thirty years of successful business and software development experience to RedAlign. He earned a BSCE from The University of Michigan and an MBA from UCLA/Anderson.

Tommy has seven approved patents related to his inventions for the restaurant industry and RedAlign, with more pending.

After selling his last company, NEXTEP SYSTEMS, in 2018, he has been working on his investments in RedAlign, Great Recruiters, PrevailHQ, and other technology ventures.

Marshall Cummings, Chief Technology Officer

Marshall joined RedAlign in 2019. Cummings earned a BGS from The University of Michigan and brings thirty years of experience developing new hardware and software technologies.

Marshall has fourteen approved patents from his work as founder of CMS technologies, Director of Innovation at NEXTEP SYSTEMS, and RedAlign LLC.

Marshall recently served at CTO for Bill Highway and now fulfills a similar role at RedAlign.

Kevin Varga, Director of Software Development

Kevin brings twenty-five years of successful enterprise software development and architecture experience to RedAlign. He earned a BSCS from Western Michigan University.

Kevin ran the Tools & Technology team at New World Systems before becoming the “third man in” at NEXTEP SYSTEMS. There, he developed the core architecture and grew the development team from 1 person to 40.

Since leaving NEXTEP in 2019, Kevin has been broadening his exposure to the latest technologies and working on his investments in RedAlign, Great Recruiters, and other projects.